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Review of Fire Conditions

  • Sun, October 20, 2024 9:06 AM
    Message # 13421141

    Title: Fire Conditions

    Author: Thomas C. Malin

    Publisher / Publication date: WWA Press. October 20, 2024

    Language: English

    Format / # of Pages: (hardcover, softcover, e-book, audiobook, etc) 267 pages

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    ASIN: B0DDF5FHQ (e-book)

    ISBN-13: 979-8986336596 (softcover)

    ISBN-13: 979-8986336589 (hardcover)

    Review by: Jennifer Rupp

    Thrilling and Bittersweet

    Tom Malin’s debut novel, Fire Conditions, straddles several genres for me—historical fiction, young adult, mystery, and, at times, thriller—and Malin does it well. From the opening, the late 1950’ early 1960’s references steep the reader in nostalgia, bringing forth memories of childhood for those of us old enough to remember television programs like Broken Arrow and The Lone Ranger. Some would say “a simpler time.” However, the story of two young boys sent to spend the summer with their grandmother reminds the reader that the 50’s weren’t all that innocent. Just like today, families were dysfunctional, children could disappear without a trace, and greedy people would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. Set in rural Wisconsin, Fire Conditions is both dark and light, switching nimbly from poignant to whimsical to intense to sweet. This is a coming of age story and so much more. Fans of Steinbeck and Irving will appreciate this novel. I congratulate Wisconsin Writers Association Press for choosing to publish Fire Conditions.

    Reviewer Bio: Jennifer Trethewey is the pen name of Jennifer Rupp. She writes sexy, sweeping Highland romance combining on site research, wonderfully flawed characters, and a liberal dose of humor. Her first four historical romances from the Highlanders of Balforss series released by Entangled Publishing, have achieved critical success. She has placed in numerous regional writing contests and is a member of Chicago North Romance Writers, Wisconsin Writers Association, Red Oak Studios, Off Campus Writers Workshop, and Regency Fiction Writers. She serves on the board of Novel Bookcamp and Writing Retreat. She is also Co-Founder and former Co-Artistic Director of Milwaukee’s Renaissance Theaterworks.

    Last modified: Thu, October 24, 2024 8:48 AM | Jennifer Rupp

Wisconsin Writers Association

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