Location |
Name |
Description |
Contact |
Statewide |
Horror Writers Association-WI Chapter |
Meets quarterly at various locations with two in-person and two Zoom calls. New members must be enrolled in the Horror Writers Association, https://horror.org |
Margaret Sponholz, Chapter Secretary, margie.sponholz@gmail.com. The Wisconsin Chapter's Facebook page is Horror Writers Association - Wisconsin Chapter | Facebook |
Statewide |
Red Oak Writing |
Through Roundtable Critique groups, craft workshops, author readings and Creative Writing Camps for young people, Red Oak creates a supportive community of writers who have the same goal: to improve their writing and help others to do the same. |
Kim Suhr: kim@redoakwriting.com |
Sisters In Crime |
WISinC. Sisters in Crime, Inc. was founded to promote the ongoing advancement, recognition and professional development of women crime writers.
https://wisconsinsistersincrime.wordpress.com/ |
Statewide |
Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets |
Offering members poetic camaraderie, a quarterly Museletter, two annual conferences, poetry contests and awards, and other regional and statewide events. |
http://www.wfop.org/ |
Amery |
Northern Lakes Writers’ Guild |
Meets at the Northern Lakes Center for Arts, 113 Elm St., Amery. We read material one meeting and critique at next meeting. Members frequently publish. |
LaMoine MacLaughlin: lammacl@amerytel.net |
Balsam Lake |
Poco Penners |
Meets in the library building in Balsam Lake |
Carolyn Lumsden: bogfrog@centurytel.net
Dave Muller: dmm5551@aol.com
Black River Falls |
Writing Warriors of Wisconsin |
A group of creative, inspirational, amateur and experienced writers who want to grow as a writer. They meet once a month to share work and give each other feedback. It doesn't matter if it's short stories, poetry or even something that isn't finished yet. You can come with anything you write and leave feeling inspired by others in the room. Join them on the second Monday of every month at 5:30pm at the Chamber of Commerce in Black River Falls. |
writingwarriorsofwisconsin@gmail.com |
Columbus |
Crawfish River Writers Guild |
Meets monthly at Wyverns Trove Museum. The group has prompted free writes and writing exercises based on the month's focus topic. Members read their work and get supportive feedback. All genres welcome, including letter writing and focused journaling. Wyverns Trove Museum is at 254 W. Mill St. In Columbus. |
Door County |
Write On Door County |
https://writeondoorcounty.org/ |
Eau Claire |
Writers’ Group at the Library |
Meets at the L. E. Philips Memorial Library, Eau Claire
Please go here for more information on various groups in the area: http://www.cvwritersguild.org/directory/
Sandra Lindow: lindowleaf@gmail.com
Yvette Flaten: 715-834-2844
Eau Claire |
Sawdust City Writers |
The Sawdust City Writers, affiliated with the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild, meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at the LE Phillips Memorial Public Library from 6-7:45 in the Carnegie Room. Everyone is welcome. The first Wednesday of the month we concentrate on critique and the third Wednesday we focus on writing. We have a little bit of social time and write for 1 to 1.5 hours.
Diana Peterson: dianapeterson258@gmail.com
Edgerton |
Edgerton Writer’s Guild |
Meets at the Edgerton Library (101 Albion Street) on the second and fourth Monday of each month from 6-8 p.m. The group begins with a writing prompt, watches a lecture on writing, and finishes with a critique of each others’ writings |
Jim Salimes: jsalimes@gmail.com |
Fond du Lac |
FAW / The Fond du Lac Area Writers club |
Meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at MPTC in FdL. The website is at https://fdlw.wordpress.com/. |
John Silah, President, jmsilah@gmail.com |
North Fond du Lac |
The Wordsmiths Writers club |
Meets monthly at the Spillman Library in North Fond du Lac. |
Jeffrey McAndrew, President, at jeffreycmcandrew@gmail.com |
Germantown |
100 Drafts of Solitude |
Meets every 4th Tuesday, 5 – 7 pm at the Germantown Library (N112W16957 Mequon Rd.)
Steve Strackbein, sstrackbein1975@gmail.com |
Green Bay |
Green Bay Area Writers Guild |
Meets the 1st Tuesday of every month at the Bay Family Restaurant (corner of Military and Ninth) in Green Bay. Socialization with food off the menu starts at 4:30. Meeting at 5:30. We meet in the back room. |
Terry Misfeldt, (920) 366-6334 |
Hayward |
Yarnspinners |
Group meetings suspended until further notice |
Sally Bair: sallybair@gmail.com
Mary Jacobsen, 725-349-2761
Hudson |
Pen & Think Writers Group |
Meets the third Wednesday of every month in the Hudson Public Library from 6:30-8:00 pm. |
Jim.guhl@gmail.com |
Janesville |
HodgePodge Literati |
Meets in the Hedberg Public Library first floor Public Meeting Room, behind the glass doors across from the snack bar, on the last Monday of each month, from 6:30 – 8:45 p.m. |
Kenosha |
FCC Writer's Workshop |
Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday evening 7pm at First Christian Church in Bristol, Wisconsin. General format is to go over any work submitted for critique, discuss current questions, issues, exciting news, and assign a prompt/reading/activity for the following session.
Enter through door D, first room on the right.
Christy Hoff, dealan.de.sparks@gmail.com |
Kenosha |
Kenosha Writers Guild |
https://kenoshawritersguild.com |
Darlene Coleman, 1111drc@gmail.com |
Kenosha-Racine |
Fiction Writer's Group |
Kenosha-Racine Fiction Writer's Group meets at: Northside Kenosha Public Library 1500 27th Avenue, Kenosha
Writers of fiction, we meet bi-weekly for a short presentation and open write. For our current schedule, like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/KenoshaRacineWritersGroup
Peg Rousar-Thompson, uglyoldwitch@gmail.com
La Crosse |
La Crosse Area Writers Group |
MeetUp Group |
Contact via MeetUp, Larry Bastian |
La Crosse |
Mississippi Valley Writer's Guild |
Jess Witkins mvwguild@gmail.com |
Madison |
Tuesdays with Story |
Meets at Larry Sommers's house in Madison and on Zoom, first and third Tuesdays at 7 p.m. New members cordially sought. |
https://tuesdayswithstory.wordpress.com |
Madison |
SAMI Madison |
Meets virtually every other Saturday. The Group reviews a wide range of fiction and provides feedback on work. They typically look at two submissions per meeting, each no longer than 30 pages double spaced. |
Daniel Schiro: dschiro@uwalumni.com |
Manitowoc |
The Lakeshore Writers |
Meet the second Saturday of each month, 10:00 a.m. to Noon, in the Manitowoc Public Library Board Room, 707 Quay Street. Beginning and experienced writers from all genres are encouraged to participate. Meetings include five-minute readings, constructive and respectful feedback, and a brief writing exercise. |
Tony Heine: tonyhbop@yahoo.com |
Manitowoc |
Women's Writing Roundtables |
Writers discuss works in progress, share excerpts, set intentions, and receive support and expertise to move their writing goals forward.
Virtual: First Wednesdays, two sessions to choose from: 930-1130 a.m. or 2-4 p.m.
In Person: First Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. and Third Mondays 130-330 p.m. State of Grace, 807B North 8th Street, Manitowoc, Wis.
Space is limited, Register online at
Tara Meissner Huck, 920-860-6957 or wiscopoet@gmail.com
Menomonie |
Chippewa Valley Writers |
Meets at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Menomonie |
Eva Mewes: emus@wwt.net |
Menasha |
SMITHworks Writing Group |
Meets monthly at the Elisha D. Smith Public Library on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. It is open to storytellers of all experience levels including authors, short story writers, video game writers, content creators, screenwriters, and more. |
https://www.menashalibrary.org/calendar |
Merrill |
Real Writer's Group |
If you write, you're a real writer! The Real Writers Group meets the second Saturday of every month at 10:30 AM in the Community Room at T.B. Scott Free Library. We discuss a variety of writing related topics and include a critique of submitted writing at the end of every meeting. Writers of all skills, interests, and genres are welcome! |
Rachael Waldburger at rachaelwaldburger@gmail.com |
Milwaukee |
Allied Authors |
A group of published authors, up-and-comers, an agent, former journalists, nonfiction writers and avid readers who eagerly help one another become better fiction writers. Monthly meetings, occasionally at a local library, but usually at members’ homes. |
http://allied-authors.org/ |
Milwaukee |
HerStry |
Wisconsin-based online lit magazine and writing community |
Julia Nusbaum: julia@herstryblg.com |
Just Write Milwaukee |
Just Write Milwaukee meets every week in cafés throughout the city to just write. At our meetings, we say our hellos, write for a while, and then break to chat about what we’re working on, what we’re excited about and what we’re struggling with. This is not a critique group. Our only goal in this group is to encourage our members to keep writing.
https://justwritemke.wordpress.com/ |
Milwaukee/Virtual |
LakeSide Poets & Writers |
LakeSide Poets & Writers runs a variety of themed workshop series virtually and in-person around Wisconsin, mainly Milwaukee and Waukesha County. |
https://sites.google.com/view/authorkathrineyets/lakeside-poets-writers?authuser=0 |
Milwaukee |
Milwaukee Writers’ Circle |
Monthly meetings: 1st Monday, Memoir Writers 7:00-9:00pm; 2nd Tuesday, Critique Meeting 7:00-9:00 pm; 4th Tuesday, Educational meeting 7:00-9:00 pm.
All meetings are held at 4650 N. Port Washington Rd Lexington East Building, #116
Heddy Keith: heddykeith51@att.net
Milwaukee |
Milwaukee Veggie Chips Writers |
Meet at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Members write novels, screenplays, short stories and memoir and read passages of up to 10 pages, followed by oral discussion. |
Dave Thome: t2winc@sbcglobal.net |
Shut Up & Write! |
Shut Up & Write! is a global community that empowers writers to overcome procrastination, silence their inner critic, and make consistent progress on their projects. Our events provide a structured and focused environment where writers can come together, set aside distractions, and achieve their writing goals.
https://www.meetup.com/shutupandwritemilwaukee/ |
Nekoosa |
Home Town Players/Writers Group |
Diane Genz: gens@scacable.com |
New Richmond |
Willow River Writers Group |
Welcomes all different genres of writing including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and even blog post features. Some of our members are published authors, some pursue the craft of writing just for the joy of writing.
We meet the 1st and 3d Tuesdays of the month at 10 am (unless otherwise indicated) at the Heritage Center in New Richmond: 1100 Heritage Drive. We meet in the Bell-Tierney Farmstead House
Julie Smith: julieetta05@gmail.com |
Oshkosh |
Oshkosh Area Writers Club |
Meets at 10 a.m. first and third Saturday. We inspire and motivate members to write; and provide a supportive forum for constructive feedback. Membership is free and open to anyone 17 years of age or older. |
Pinney |
Pinney Writing Group |
Meets in the Pinney Branch Library Meeting Room on the second Thursday of the month 7:30-8:30 p.m. |
Joanne Johnson: markiemark@ameritech.net |
Platteville |
Platteville Writers Group |
Activities include group discussions, current events, writing contests, critiques, workshops and sharing experiences. The group is open to all ages.
The group will meet monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at a member’s home or public place, i.e. the Platteville Public Library.
George Krueger: uwpprofessorgeorge@gmail.com
Polk/Burnett |
Northwest Regional Writers |
Meetings: Second Friday of each month, noon lunch at the Pour House in Siren, WI
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/nwrw/home |
President: Michael Veith christmastreasures11@gmail.com |
Shawano |
Shawano Area Writers |
Meets the 3rd Thursday of every month in the Elsie Engel Reading Room of the Shawano Public Library. |
Terry Misfeldt, (920) 366-6334
Sheboygan |
Sheboygan County Writers Club |
Meets twice per month, at Sheboygan’s Mead Public Library, Public Conference Room #2, second floor. Each meeting has its own focus between writing discussion and critiques. |
Linda Shimon: lshimon1@charter.net
Solon Springs |
St. Croix Writers of Solon Springs |
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
11405 South First Street West
Debra Raye King sunnycovestudio@gmail.com
Thomas Wayne King runhikeskinow@gmail.com
Two Rivers |
Cool City Writers Group |
Lester Public Library on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6-8pm. |
www.lesterlibrary.org/events/cool-city-writers/ |
Two Rivers |
Friday Night Writes |
Fiction writers of all levels and any genre welcome
One Friday each month at 6 pm beginning in March 2024
Paper Crane Bookstore
1610 Washington St., Two Rivers, WI
Sara Biren: https://www.sarabiren.com/events |
Waukesha |
AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop |
Offers online and on-site classes in all genres and abilities of creative writing, as well as coaching and editing services. |
Kathie Giorgio: kathie11@aol.com
Wausau |
Writers of Wausau Club |
Wausau |
Rubber-band Writers |
Meets every second Tuesday at 6 pm.
One creative writing exercise and two member critiques provided (on rotating basis) each month. |
Susan Reetz or PJ Fullerton |
West Bend |
Moraine Writers Guild Critique Group |
Meets every 2nd Thursday, 5 – 7 pm at the West Bend Library (630 Poplar Street) |
Nicolette@NicolettePierce.com |