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AI Workshop with Lance Erlick

When: June 17, 7pm CST
Where: Zoom 

DescriptionLeading scientists have expressed concern about the risks posed by AI. Thanks to recent breakthroughs, many milestones, which experts viewed as decades away only 8 years ago, have now been reached, making experts take seriously the possibility of superintelligence before 2060. Come join a discussion of the current state of AI, the promise, myths, threats, and what we should know about changes coming to our world. 

BioLance Erlick has given public presentations since 2017 on topics such as Artificial Intelligence to public libraries, Mensa, and other venues. He worked with computers and programming since age 18, watched capabilities grow exponentially, and has had an interest in robotics and AI throughout his life. This led to writing the Android Chronicles trilogy, about an advanced android with artificial intelligence who rebels against her creator, which was published by Kensington Books.

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