Title: Nancy The Dancer, Myositis and Me
Author: Judith Gwinn Adrian
Genre: Biography/Chronic Illness/ Disability
Pages: 249
Date Published: 2020
Publisher: Henschel HAUS Publishing, Inc.
Reviewed by: Jan Jenson (Janet Kay) www.novelsbyjanetkay.com
It’s all about attitude – equal amounts of optimism and realistic expectations.
That was Nancy Gwinn Dell Nee’s mantra and her secret to successfully coping, later in life, with chronic illness, disability, and eventually a premature death.
A free spirit with an adventurous streak, her journey in life began as a rebellious wild child of the 1960s. Nancer the Dancer, as she was affectionately called by all who knew and loved her, knew how to dance, how to have fun, how to play pranks and break all the rules. Her love of life and sense of humor were infectious.
Throughout her life, she maintained a close, loving relationship with her sister, Judith Gwinn Adrian, the author of this personal biography. The sisters shared everything – the highs, the lows, the everyday moments of their lives. Together, they struggled and supported each other through Nancy’s ordeal with the ravaging disease of myositis. Much of this is documented through their letters, emails, and Nancy’s spontaneous journal entries which are shared in this book.
Nancer The Dancer is a heart-warming, yet heart-wrenching story that draws the reader into another world, opening our hearts to those who struggle with chronic illness. Written through Nancy’s eyes by her beloved sister, this is a must read – especially for those suffering with chronic illness, and for their loved ones.
One of Nancy’s favorite quotes, a Chinese proverb, sums it up: “You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.”
You can’t help but love Nancy the Dancer. May her spirit live on through the pages of this loving tribute written by her beloved sister.
Reviewer: Janet Kay is the author of three historical fiction/psychological suspense novels: WATERS OF THE DANCING SKY, AMELIA 1868, and THE SISTERS. Her upcoming novel, RAINY LAKE RENDEZVOUS, set on the wilderness islands of Rainy Lake on the Minnesota/Ontario international border, is the long-awaited sequel to WATERS and will be released the summer of 2020. The author lives and writes on a lake in the woods of Wascott, Wisconsin. Her passions in life include spending time with family, travel, photography – and creative writing. For more information, check out her website at www.novelsbyjanetkay.com.