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Apply to become a WWA Reviewer

  • Mon, December 09, 2019 11:45 AM
    Lisa Lickel (Administrator)
    Message # 8226063
    Lisa Lickel (Administrator)

    On Becoming a Book Reviewer for WWA

    Calling Book Reviewers!

    Book reviews are an important part of today’s book marketing plans. WWA would like to provide our members with a special service that meets reviewer and reviewee networking and support needs. Being a reviewer not only helps published authors, it provides an opportunity for the reviewer to develop his or her own platform and followers.

    To become a reviewer, please consider these requirements:

    ·         Time and ability to read and provide a review within six weeks of a request.
    ·         Time and ability to provide at least 1 review per year.
    ·         Ability to post your review on multiple commercial internet sites.
    ·         Ability to follow provided guidelines to follow for your review.
    ·         The understanding that your review will be proofread before being posted.
    ·         Be able to read electronic forms of the book, and if provided with an advanced reader copy, understand that the final published material may be polished.
    ·         Reviewers will not be compensated at this time for the review, except for a complimentary copy of the book.

    How does the WWA Review Program work?

    When a review request comes in, Reviewers will be asked if they are available by the Review Program Coordinator and are not under obligation to accept the request.

    ·         If the Reviewer agrees to read and review, the Reviewer will be sent a copy of the book, and must agree to read and review within six weeks of receiving the book. If there are extenuating circumstances, please let the Coordinator know. A reminder will be sent if your review isn’t returned by the six-week mark.
    ·         Reviewers will be able to request to review books in certain genres and in a particular format. We will attempt to match up reviewers with genres.
    ·         Reviewers must be able to give at least an average review (eg, 3 out of 5 stars) or to return the request and explain the reason.
    ·         Reviewers will be able to include their own website link in their bylines and a 50-word bio.
    ·         The review will be proofread for proper punctuation and spelling (we all miss a quotation mark once in a while). If there are questions, the final copy will be returned to the Reviewer for posting on requested commercial sites.
    ·         The review will be (TBD: posted on the WWA website, in the monthly newsletter…)
    ·         And we thank you most kindly! You are appreciated.

    To apply, send to :

    Name, website

    Have you reviewed books before?

    What genres do you prefer to read?

    How many books would you be able to review for WWA per year? 1  2  3  4

    Do you prefer e-books or print?

    Are there certain times of the year when you will not be available to read and review?

    Last modified: Fri, March 04, 2022 7:46 PM | Lisa Lickel (Administrator)

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