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Voice: What it is and How to Achieve it

  • Tue, November 12, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM



You may have come across admonishments to “find your voice.” Or maybe you’ve heard people say of a book that the voice drew them in. What exactly is voice, though? In this session, we’ll unpack the concept and come to understand where it originates and how we can work it into our narration in order to engage readers. Voice is often equated to writing style, but it’s true source is what characters think of their story problems. Use it well and you’ll get readers investing in your characters and their dilemmas. We’ll draw from both fiction and creative nonfiction for this 90-minute session. Tim Storm brings to his teaching an academic’s understanding of craft concepts but also a grounding in practical applications to his students’ varied writing projects.

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Wisconsin Writers Association

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