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Gregory Renz


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Since publishing his debut novel, Retired Hall of Fame Fire Captain, Award-Winning Author, and Inspirational Speaker Gregory Renz has been captivating audiences with gripping stories taken from his twenty-eight-year career as a Milwaukee Firefighter. His international-award-winning novel BENEATH THE FLAMES was inspired by two little girls who lived across from an inner-city firehouse Gregory was stationed at for three years. He was deeply affected by the struggles of these children growing up in the crushing poverty and violence of the inner city (The Core) of Milwaukee. Gregory now lives in Lake Mills, Wisconsin with his wife Paula.
Speaker Availability
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My journey from retired fire captain to multi-award-winning author titled, IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU.

Dialogue techniques to bring your story to life.

Marketing and promotion strategies to get your work out into the world.

Wisconsin Writers Association

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