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Serving all writers since 1948


what you need to know for the june 2019 wisconsin writers association

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Here are 10 things we thought were worth sharing this month with you!

  1. A Note from WWA President Barry Wightman.
  2. WWA Next Board Meeting June 5 Conference Call
  3. Your Board of Directors Click Here
  4. Exciting Fall Workshop planned. Mark your calendar for October 5 at Holy Wisdom Monastery, Co. Hwy M, Middleton. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
  5. Watch for your notification of the 2019 Jade Ring Contest Finalists - Winners announced at the Fall Workshop  CLICK HERE!
  6. Congratulations to the winners of our Wisconsin Public High School Writing Contest! The Winners
  7. Is your membership up-to-date? See more
  8. WWA is A Proud Sponsor of the Write-by-the-Lake Writer’s Workshop & Retreat
  9. Check out all of this month's Contests! And, ROSEBUD POETRY CONTEST is now accepting E-Entries...
  10. Keep up with WWA Every Day! Follow Us on Facebook! Learn where to network with other WI Writers on WWA's Meetup Page!

BONUS!!! Need a copy of this month's NewsBrief for your local Library? Download a digital PDF copy to print and share HERE!


In This Issue

Website Refresh

We've got a great public
website! Have you
noticed? Check it out at: wiwrite.org

Keep Up With Us



WWA Website


","fontFamily":"TimesNewRoman, Times New Roman, Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif","fontSize":"16px","align":"left"}}],"id":"f0fefki8g","properties":{"width":600,"backgroundColor":"transparent","paddingBottom":10,"paddingLeft":30,"paddingRight":30,"paddingTop":30}}],"id":"wf9efki8g","properties":{}},{"columns":[{"gadgets":[{"gadgetType":"TEXT","id":"2fdefki8m","properties":{"content":"

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Website Refresh

We've got a great public
website! Have you
noticed? Check it out at: wiwrite.org

","fontFamily":"TimesNewRoman, Times New Roman, Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif","fontSize":"16px","align":"left"}}],"id":"hggefki8m","properties":{"width":200,"backgroundColor":"transparent","paddingLeft":10,"paddingRight":10}},{"gadgets":[{"gadgetType":"TEXT","id":"zpkefki8n","properties":{"content":"

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Dear WWA Friends and Members,

With the launch of our new website and the June 2019 NewsBrief, it gives me great pleasure to welcome Barb Messick as the new WWA NewsBrief Editor. Barb recently retired from her position as Communications Director at the Village of Waterford in southeast Wisconsin and is a pro at doing everything communications. The board and I am confident that she will bring a lot of creativity and enthusiasm to WWA monthly member news.

Please make a note to send future news items to Barb at bjm.writer@gmail.com.

Of course, you can still reach me at kpekrul.editor@gmail.com. As the roles have changed at WWA, I am looking forward to continuing my involvement as the Vice President of the Board, taking on the responsibilities of being the operations chair, working with our organization's functional managers and coordinators, and overseeing the WWA Website, domain, and suppliers.

In a final note as I pass the baton, I'd like to thank everyone who has helped in making my term as NewsBrief Editor a success. Many thanks.

I hope you enjoy Barb's first WWA NewsBrief!

Kymberley Pekrul


Barb's Editors Note: This WWA NewsBrief is for and about our membership. If you have ideas or comments, suggestions, or complaints, hopefully not :) Please share them with me. bjm.writer@gmail.com.


WWA News about member accomplishments, writing events, and contests is sent by email each month. Please send news bits for the June 2019 WWA NewsBrief no later than Monday, May 20, 2019, to Barbara Messick at bjm.writer@gmail.com. Thank you.

PLEASE NOTE: To access web links inserted throughout the NewsBrief
just click on the blue text to jump to the web link provided.


To print a copy of this NewsBrief, CLICK HERE, or follow the issue link below.
WWA June 2019 NewsBrief Download

You will need Adobe Reader to view the PDF materials. If you don’t have Adobe Reader you can get it here. It's free!



A Note from WWA President Barry Wightman:

\"\"Hello all.

WWA President’s Message – May 20, 2019

So much to tell you…so here goes…

Save the date: June 22 in Burlington—a new WWA  writer’s workshop — Time to Write at The CATHE Center. Join the marvelous Edgar Award-nominated mystery author Lori Rader-Day and four area authors who will  discuss their journeys to success. Share your work, advance your craft, network. It’s free (supportive donations gratefully accepted)! Email new WWA Board Member Christine Schultz for details: christine@cschultzwrite.com

Speaking of new WWA Board Members, we got ‘em. Five to be exact. Fabulous writers, fine organizational talent. They are: Gary Banker (northwest Wisconsin), Russ Klingaman (Milwaukee area), Lisa Lickel (southwest Wisconsin), Barb Messick (southeastWisconsin), and Christine Schultz (southeast Wisconsin). Your WWA Board is firing up with great new stuff for you—our members—on the horizon. Stay tuned.

As you may have noticed, WWA is doing things a little differently these days. Rather than one big annual conference in one location, we’ve got events planned statewide throughout the year. But, fear not—mark October 5 on your calendar. A one-day writers’ workshop at the beautiful Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton featuring Wisconsin Poet Laureate Margaret Rozga, historical mystery author Susanna Calkins, the great crime writer Nick Chiarkas, and others.Please note: the Jade Ring Writing Contest winners will be awarded at this event. Details soon. A splendid time guaranteed for all.

Speaking of the JadeRing – the deadline approacheth – May 31. Fiction, non-fiction,poetry, and humor. Max Garland, Judy Bridges, Jim Landwehr, and Mel Miskimenare our distinguished judges. What will you submit? For More Information

WWA loves Northwest Wisconsin – save the date – September 28 in Solon Springs. Beloved psychological suspense and Edgar-nominated writer Brian Freeman (e.g. The Crooked Street). Also presenting will be former Wisconsin Poet Laureate Karla Huston, author and teacher Abby Frucht, and me, Barry Wightman. Details forthcoming.

And…look for a new and improved WWA website in June. You’re gonna love it.

Keep on writing, and stay in touch.



Board Members Needed:

WWA is a registered 501 (c) 3, managed by a Board of Directors and is in need of new board member volunteers. Board members serve a three-year term, and duties include attendance at two board meetings per year and accepting a volunteer assignment that fits their time availability.

Board members focus on policy and long-range planning to fulfill our mission of supporting Wisconsin writers in achieving their individual writing goals. Please join us in this important work. If interested in further discussion or to ask questions, contact barrymwightman@gmail.com.

Upcoming Board Vacancies:

WWA Board Treasurer/Financial Chair - Beginning October 2019

WWA General Board Member - Two general board positions beginning October 2019



Meet Your Board

Head on over to the Board of Directors page for easy links to contact WWA Board Members.

Executive Committee:
President: Barry Wightman
Vice President: Kymberly Pekrul

Treasurer: Kim Suhr

Secretary: Lisa Lickel

B0ard Members:      
Gary Banker
Nick Chiarkas
Charlie Haislet
Adrienne Hulbert-Stroud
Christine Keleny-Craven
Debra Raven-King
Thomas Wayne King
Russ Klingaman
Barbara Messick
Christine Schultz
Karin Schmidt


WWA Board Calls & Meetings:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019 – 10:30 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. – WWA members are welcome to call in or attend the meeting as observers. To request, a call invite, contact kpekrul.editor@gmail.com


WWA Business Membership Available:

Promote your writing-related service business. Just $35 one-year annual membership for individuals who own/operate a business that provides related writing services may join WWA and secure a listing on the Business Member Profile Directory page of the WWA website.


Become a WWA Member


Interested in Helping?


Upcoming WWA Events
Planning for WWA's future. Interested? Want to be involved? Contact barrymwightman@gmail.com for details.


WWA Website News:
Send all requests for website changes, corrections, routine updates, and questions associated with the WWA website to Board Operations Chair, Kymberley Pekrul, kpekrul.editor@gmail.com.


https://www.facebook.com/WIWrite/ WONDERING HOW YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH WWA EVERY DAY? Visit the WWA Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/WIWrite/ – Post your exciting writing news! Stay up with the pulse of what’s trending in today’s shifting marketplace. Network via Facebook with other members. Explore, learn, discover, keep up with authors, and connect.


Help Promote and Support Wisconsin Authors by Ordering Your Copy of the WWA Creative Wisconsin Anthology Today!

\"\"Order online: WWA Shop

Or, to order by mail send a check for $10 to Nancy Rafal at PO Box 340, Baileys Harbor, WI 54202 (please include the address to which you would like the copy sent).


Breaking News:

Will you win the coveted Jade Ring?  Winners will be announced  by July 1, 2019 and awards presented at the Fall Workshop on October 5th at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton. See the winners of the Jade Ring and share your congratulations!

We have winners! Wisconsin Student Writers Win Statewide Honors in the Wisconsin Public High School Writing Contest. 

Emily Elfner, from Arrowhead Union High School of Hartland, WI, and Justice Wells of Black Hawk High School in South Wayne, WI, shared first place honors in this year’s competition.

Emily Elfner won first prize for her piece, “Welcome to Spain”, a vivid description of the Spanish tortilla that fully captures the cultural experience.

Justice Wells was also named a first prize winner for his essay, “Auschwitz”, a haunting and dramatic commentary on the Nazi death camp.

Arrowhead Union High School dominated the rest of the competition, taking second and third place prizes. Nicole Larson and Rachel Kriehn were named co-winners of second prize. Joanna Wahmhoff and Jordon Gravelle shared third place honors.

CRAFTexplores the art of fiction with a focus on the elements of craft. It features new and republished fiction, critical pieces on craft, interviews, book annotations, and much more. Find lots of great information from CRAFT. Check i it out here



WWA forges relationships to help us better serve our membership, improve our organization's performance, and engage our professional networks.

\"\"WWA Affiliate Announcements:
WWA develops long-lasting partnerships between complementary organizations and businesses where a mutually beneficial relationship serves each organization's interests. WWA will consider proposals to work together or on events and projects but does not guarantee acceptance.

\"\"Time to Write, a WWA sponsored writing workshop on June 22, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. is hosted by the CATHE Center in Burlington, Wisconsin. The workshop features Lori Day-Rader, an award winning mystery writer, with Poet Marshal Smith, Screenwriter Ron Kolman, and Romance Writer and Senior Acquiring Editor Cheryl Yako.  They'll share their journey to success with all the challenges along the way. An Author's Marketplace will feature the work of the speakers and other local writers, and genre circles (bring your own writing to share.) Agenda

Are you a bit further north of Burlington? There is a northwest workshop for you! Save the date – September 28 and come to Solon Springs. A great cast of excellent writers, including beloved psychological suspense and Edgar-nominated writer Brian Freeman (e.g. The Crooked Street). Also presenting will be former Wisconsin Poet Laureate Karla Huston, author and teacher Abby Frucht, and me, Barry Wightman. Watch for details.



Madison Continuing Studies offers Writing Classes (in person and online): Manuscript critiques, writing retreats, and workshops. Prices and times vary. Check here for details:  continuingstudies.wisc.edu/writing


\"\"WWA is A Proud Sponsor of the Write-by-the-Lake Writer’s Workshop & Retreat  – Register now for the 21st annual Write-by-the-Lake Writer’s Workshop & Retreat, June 17-21, 2019, sponsored by UW-Madison Continuing Studies. Held at the Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St. There are 14 sections to choose from in fiction, nonfiction, memoir, and poetry. Most are 9:30-12:30. NEW this year—afternoon sessions 2:00-5:00 on book proposals for fiction and nonfiction writers, and a section for poets on compiling your publishable poetry manuscript. Also:  Limited-enrollment Master Classes for full novel critiques (led by WWA member Christine DeSmet) or your first 50 pages + plot critique. Look for the WWA table at the event! For more info contact  Director Christine DeSmet, christine.desmet@wisc.edu, 608-262-3447. https://continuingstudies.wisc.edu/conferences/write-by-the-lake/.


Announcements from our WWA Friends:
WWA provides a monthly listing of non-sponsored, non-affiliate opportunities for its membership community. WWA shares this information solely as a service to its members.


CRAFT explores the art of fiction with a focus on the elements of craft. It features new and republished fiction, critical pieces on craft, interviews, book annotations, and much more. Find lots of great information from CRAFT. Check i it out here

Subscribe to Masters Review for contests and other writing opportunities. Masters Review offers a quality platform for emerging writers.  Click her for details.


Applications for the 2019 Great River Writers Retreat are being accepted through June 1

The Midwest Writing Center is now accepting applications for the Great River Writers’ Retreat.   The retreat will be held August 26 through September 1 at the Benet House Retreat Center in Rock Island, Illinois. 

The Retreat is open to Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota residents writing in any mode/genre. The applications must include a cover page, proof of residency, professional resume, project description, a work sample of no more than 10 pages, and a $15 reading fee. Applications may be submitted online or via mail.

The winning applicants will have a public reading of their original work on August 31 at the Midwest Writing Center at 2 p.m.

The Great River Writers Retreat is sponsored by Dr. Nicolas Shammas and the Illinois Arts Council Agency. More information and application available at  www.mwcqc.org/contests/writers-retreat/ or by calling Ryan Collins at 309-732-7330


Red Oak Writing offers programs for writers of all levels of ability and experience: Registration is open for Roundtable Critique Groups (online and in person), Craft & Publishing Workshops, and Youth Creative Writing Camps.


UW-Madison Continuing Studies offers Writing Classes (in person and online): Manuscript critiques, writing retreats, and workshops. Prices and times vary. Check here for details:  continuingstudies.wisc.edu/writing


Contests Listings WANTED! – Do you know of a contest that may be of interest to WWA Members? Submit contest details with deadlines to bjm.writer@gmail.com


Rosebud Poetry Contest Rosebud Poetry Contest is not accepting online entries! July 31st, 2019 Deadline. Rosebud Magazine’s 2019 poetry contest is now open. Best poem in any style takes a $500 grand prize. At least three runners-up will also receive $100 each.  Winning poems will be published in Rosebud’s December 2019 issue. Each entry gets a free three-issue subscription. Send up to three poems (with no identifying information on them), a cover letter with contact info and poem titles, and a check/money order for $20 made out to Rosebud Poetry Awards. Mail entries to ROSEBUD POETRY AWARDS, PO BOX 459, CAMBRIDGE, WI 53523 Or – E-ENTER ONLINE NOW!!

See website for details: http://www.rsbd.net

Winners will be contacted individually and will be announced on the website no later than Oct. 1st, 2019. The contest will be judged by Rosebud Poetry Editor Mike Kriesel, winner of North American Review’s Hearst Prize and past President of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets. His poems and reviews have appeared in Alaska Quarterly, Antioch Review, Library Journal, Rattle, The Progressive, Small Press Review, Wisconsin People & Ideas, and 2017’s New Poetry from the Midwest. His full-length collection Zen Amen: abecedarians is forthcoming from Pebblebrook Press.


Flash Fiction Contest  Not much time left to submit your flash fiction for a $3,000 award and publication; 2nd and 3rd will receive $300 and $200 respectively.  

All three will also eara spot in Kathy Fish's Flash Fiction (copyright) online workshop. Enter Today!


The Masters Review - Stories, Submission Deadlines, and MORE!Subscribe to The Masters Review Monthly Newsletter to receive curated contest lists, free fiction, links to craft essays, and other excellent resources for writers. All for FREE!


Make your writer friend one of us.
Give them the GIFT they'll LOVE You For!

Give a WWA Gift Membership TODAY!


Member News:
Got News? Send your member news by the 20th of each month for inclusion in the upcoming month’s WWA NewsBrief issue. Send to bjm.writer@gmail.com

\"\"Here's Nick Chiarkas holding down the fort at the WWA Booth in Madison at the 30th Annual Writers’ Institute, “Pathway to Publication,” that took place April 4-7, 2019! Many thanks to board members Nick and Christine Keleny for waving the WWA flag. We got a bunch of new members... If you have a few minutes to spare and would like to help WWA out at any of our upcoming events please contact our president Barry Wightman at barrymwightman@gmail.com This is how we grow. This is how we can bring you more benefits through WWA. WE NEED YOU!

\"\"Member Thomas Wayne King, Solon Springs, Wisconsin, read poems in Icelandic, Michif, POW Tap Code, and Modern International Morse Code at the 13th Annual University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire International Poetry Reading on April 24, 2019. Tom's poems in Tap Code and Morse Code were his original works.  On May 5th, Tom presented \"Writing as a Part of Recovery\" as the featured program at with the Baron County Brain Injury Support Group at Marshfield Clinic Hospital in Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

The large group enjoyed and learned from Tom's rugged Northland stories, essays, poems, and songs from his four-volume Tales from the Red Pump plus his newest original music LPs: Sunny Cove Words, Winter Magic, and They Run!


Opportunities and Events:

Do you know of an event? Send event news by the 20th of each month for inclusion in the upcoming month’s WWA NewsBrief issue. Send to bjm.writer@gmail.com


Do you live in southeast Wisconsin? The Kenosha Writers Guild meets at the beautiful Carthage College on the shores of Lake Michigan. See videos of members and their success and upcoming events at Kenosha Writers Guild.


Ever wondered where you can find writing opportunities, writing tools, and inspiration online?
 Wonder no more. The Write Life has compiled a list of the 2019 One Hundred Best Writing Websites. Join an online community of writers here.


Monthly Poetry Readings First Tuesday of each month at Suzy's Steakhouse in Portage WI; 6:00 - 8:00 pm. The group extends an invitation to Wisconsin Writers to attend or to request an opportunity to be a Featured Poet. The goal for each month is to have one male and one female Featured Poet and time for Open Mic. Contact June Paul at junegpaul@gmail.com to learn about current openings.


Writers Groups   Writing is a solitary endeavor, but we can learn so much from fellow writers, sharing our works, listening to others share theirs improves our writing. Do you know of writers groups in your area that welcome new members? Share them with us, send your information to bjm.writer@gmail.com Let's work together!


Networking Opportunities:

Did you know that WWA is On Meetup? Yep, we’ve been on Meetup since November 2018. What’s Meetup you ask? It’s a new way for Wisconsin Writers to connect with writing groups and events around the state! Connect through Meetup with other writers you know from all over Wisconsin, learn about writing-related events that happen everywhere! WWA now has 210 Meetup members!  Meetup is a great member benefit coordinated by board member Adrienne Hulburt who regularly adds new conferences, events, and interesting writer events and anything else that gets thrown her way onto the WWA Meetup events calendar. Follow the link below to join WWA’s, Meetup Page! https://www.meetup.com/WisconsinWritersAssociation/


Publication Opportunities:

The Masters Review/New Voices – The Masters Review New Voices category is open year-round to any new or emerging author who has not published a work of fiction or narrative nonfiction of novel length. Authors with short story collections are free to submit. They accept simultaneous and multiple submissions but ask that you inform them immediately if your story is accepted elsewhere. They pay New Voices authors $0.10/word up to $200 and do not charge submission fees but are highly selective. To read previously published stories, or to submit a piece of fiction or narrative nonfiction up to 7000 words, please see the New Voices page of their website.


2019 WWA NewsBrief Submission Deadline Calendar:

To help WWA Members and our Partner Groups & Organizations schedule submissions for inclusion in the WWA NewsBrief, we’ve put together a handy Issue/Deadline Reference (see below) for the upcoming year. Feel free to print and keep the reference in a convenient place to schedule your news submissions.

Please note that the November and December NewsBrief is combined into one issue. Also, the January NewsBrief has an earlier December submission deadline to allow for timely distribution to members before Christmas week each year.

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Join the group that supports you throughout Wisconsin!

Become a member here!

You write. Wisconsin writes!
WWA Monthly NewsBrief

NewsBrief Editor Barbara Messick

Please send NewsBrief bits to:  bjm.writer@gmail.com.



Copyright © 2019 Wisconsin Writers Association, All rights reserved.

If you no longer wish to receive these emails you can unsubscribe at any time.

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